Saturday 11 February 2012

The Beginning

Welcome everyone to my Blog page! This is totally a new concept for me but I plan to keep it updated throughout my travels this year. 

So my journey has started with me selling all my belongings over the internet and eBay (which actually is quite easy with the internet these days !), packing away all my keepsakes safely in plastic boxes and storing them in a room at my parents house.

Today I moved out of the unit I called home for the past two years, inhabiting my parents house for the next month. Nice to be home; good company, food, spa, beer fridge and a fabulous view :). Soon however ill be waking up to notes left on the bench of jobs to be done, just like old times :p haha <3 

The Nursing agency has all my details and i'm finalizing paperwork as we type!! So soon i shall find out where my first contract is so watch this space. This is a short blog as not much to report on, but I look forward to telling and showing you all my crazy adventures this year. So I leave you with a photo my lovely ex house mate took today of our old unit together. Thanks Sarah for the fun times we had, best of luck this year.

Ruffs xx